Extra Ordinary vs.
Thanks for stopping by.
I live in the Pacific Northwest and I love to travel. These two facts alone, are responsible for much of what I have included here. Generally I see pretty ordinary, everyday stuff and, these days, my only camera is my phone. There is a way of seeing, however, that requires practice and patience. And, most importantly, a desire. As Henri Matisse once said - there are always flowers for those who want to see them.
So, what is so extraordinary about these ordinary things? For me, it's the fact of simple beauty that occurs independent of our notice. That mountaintop is catching the morning sun even if I'm sleeping in. Those orcas? They are swimming in the ocean while I'm buying groceries. On occasion, I get to be a part of this extraordinary beauty - and sometimes I happen to have my camera ready.
What I offer here has less to do with f-stops and more to do with whether or not I packed a lunch for a particular hike or if I have the patience to stop what I'm doing and wait for a change in the light. Ultimately, these photos represent private moments of mindfulness for me. Moments when I stopped. And breathed. And appreciated something ordinary that is far too easily overlooked.
I hope you enjoy.