I have just turned 55. I remember when that seemed so old. In the 1980s, television's Golden Girls were in their 50s. More recently, Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, et al are checking the 50+ box. It is not a huge revelation to understand that our view of age changes with the culture, with our own perspective and the attitudes of the current spotlight generation. But how do you feel? Are you old? We've all heard that age is just a number. There are internet quizzes designed to "reveal our spiritual age" and a multi-billion dollar industry to help us conceal the reality.
I think it was Queen Elizabeth II, that said that the key to longevity is curiosity. Can a sustained state of wonder and interest really keep the Reaper at bay? And just last week I read a press release announcing the death of a well-known rock and roll musician. He died at the age of 94 after a long illness - I can't help but think that the long illness was life. We should all be so lucky.
I recently discovered a kite I thought had been discarded years ago. It was a gift (graduation?) and on it, I have written in sharpie the many locations where I have flown it over the years. There is a noticeable gap in the notations - a period where I was presumably "adulting." Let me tell you, seeing that kite aloft made me giddy. Simple and childlike joy at the end of a taut string. It was nice to feel young. Pickleball, anyone?